Dell XPS13 9310

Dell & Me - Saujan Gyawali

Whenever, you're buying a car, washing machine, television, or laptop, brand matters. Yes, the same thing happened eight years ago when my parents decided to buy a laptop for my studies. One word came into my theirs mind “Dell”. That one word changed everything. Upgrading from desktop to laptop was one of the incredible moments in my life that I had cherished most. I never forget that moment when I unboxed my brand-new Dell-Inspiron Laptop. Dell had never failed me to inspire every day and every moment with powerful Inspiron i3 processor. From that very day to till today, yes today! (while writing this blog) Dell is become my soul mate. I can’t think of anything without dell.

Why Dell?

Let me start by saying that in this competitive market it’s hard to find reliable products nowadays. But when you come to think about Dell you will get an answer; Dell is known for its great laptops with good design, great performance, a robust construction. Dell's hardware is best in class, no doubt about it. When you seek help from Dell's Support center, they will try to help you find a solution to the problem that you are facing with your laptop. Once they've ascertained that it’s a hardware fault, they will replace the part at your convenience. This entire procedure normally takes about 72 hours, and you're good to go again! If you closely look, Dell laptops are used all over the business world. That being said, if they trust them, they are probably pretty reliable. In addition, you usually get a decent 1-year warranty with a Dell, so even if it does fail, you can get it fixed. Have you ever thought about all those things when buying any other products besides dell? I personally noticed Dell machines are built like tanks and just last. My personal machine is a Dell Inspiron 3520, which area extremely solid builds that I’d put up against any other machine out there in a comparison test. They might not be as pretty in look as some other brands but they are well made and offer a great variety of ports.

Go with Dell

My attachment with Dell machines is so profound and based on my experience I will share the top six reasons why you should go with Dell. First is the PRICE: As compared to any other laptops, Dell laptops are comparatively affordable. So, if you are on a limited budget and require a really good quality laptop, you should consider looking into the Dell range for one. Dell sells their laptop directly from their authorized dealer in Nepal. Make sure with Dell you’ll always get the genuine and best one. Second in their LOOKS: Dell has continued improving their laptops with a standard look. A look that makes their laptop seem like the perfect device for not just any school going kid but also makes it suitable for an office going person. Dell also provides its customers with a huge range of colors to choose from available in the market while other products have only a few standards colors. Dell’s range to be more appealing. You’ll always find an option to choose your choices. Third their specific FEATURES Dell laptops have a higher battery life than any other laptops available today in the market. If you use well the battery life of a Dell laptop does not reduce significantly over the years with use. More specifically in today’s context, Dell offers 74Wh battery while other competitive brands mostly offer 54Wh battery. Isn’t this cool? If you go with a Dell laptop it always shows the balance in performance effortlessly. Dell stands with unique and impressive features.

Dell has a very huge range of laptops. It caters to the needs of a lot more individuals as compared to any other brand laptop range. Dell’s vast variety means that people can choose a laptop that is just perfect for their needs, with their easy range of laptops. Dell's next best part is that customers can compromise and settle for something other than what they originally intended to buy. Fifth the HARDWARE Dell laptops are quite large in size, compare to other laptops but they are built up with the finest hardware in such regards. Dell laptops are known to be more considerate of their customers. They pay a lot of attention to the airflow. This means that their laptops do not heat up as fast as the other laptops do. With dell laptops, you might not always need a cooling fan whereas on most laptops you always need one. The actual hardware in use is produced by contractors so there isn’t much difference in that. But the difference lies in the combination of the components. Dell with its vast variety provides people with a lot more combinations. Sixth customer service and WARRANTY Whether you buy a 45 Thousand laptop or 1 Lakh laptop, it is undoubtedly a huge investment. You must have two very important things in mind; customer service and the warranty that the laptop comes with. Dell is known to supersede in both their regards. Dell has excellent customer service. They are available easily in a very convenient way. If you buy a Dell laptop you will never have to worry about crappy customer service. If you are a frequent traveler and you travel the globe a lot, I suggest that you choose Dell. It offers customer support in a lot of countries. It would be quite ghastly if your laptop gets damaged while you are in a foreign country, a Dell customer service can surely help save you a lot of hassle.

Settle with Dell

I really enjoyed my time with the Dell Inspiron 3520. In this stunning machine journey; Dell never let me down whenever or wherever. Dell is with me in every turning of my life; the day when I was sad, when I was happy, or even, I was down. Dell makes everything opportune for me either a preparing class presentation or my MBA report or any big conferences that I attend in those years. Thank you, Dell. Thank you, Inspiron!  

Written By

Saujan Gyawali ([email protected])


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