Use and Integration
You can easily connect Peoplelink Quadro-P with Microphone Extension to your laptop or PC through USB, Ext1, Ext 2, Power Jack, and PSTN (Standard RJ-11). This allows you to connect to external speakers while protecting your meeting room's previous efforts in the speaker setup.
4 bi-directional microphone
Peoplelink Quadro P microphones are capable of picking up sound from all directions.
LCD display
Quadro-P With Microphone Extension also includes high-resolution visuals and control. These are provided via the LCD display with a dial pad.
Output audio
For audio output, USB, Ext1, Ext 2, Power Jack, and PSTN (Standard RJ-11) types are used.
Peoplelink Quadro-P With Microphone Extension Speaker has an output of 92 dB produces high-fidelity audio.
Acoustic Echo Cancellation, Automatic Gain Control, and Acoustic Noise Suppression are all included with Quadro-P With Microphone Extension.
Wireless units
Meetings may be managed with total control and reliability using digital wired conference units.
Peoplelink Quadro P speakerphone uses a microphone and loudspeaker at the same time, eliminating the need for a headset or hand-held device.
Ideal Room
The suitable room for the Peoplelink Quadro P With Extension microphone is in the Board room or Conference room. The ideal area for the range is 30ft by 20ft max capacity of 15 to 20 people.
A Compact and Portable Design
Peoplelink Quadro P comes with a compact and lightweight design. As well as integrated USB cable management for fast set-up. Thus, you'll have the right solution for audio collaboration on demand.
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